Scientifically proven programs
From nutrition to training, your mom mentorship starts here.
made by mothers, for mothers.
Empowered. Connected. Intentional.

What if there was a fitness program designed just for moms? One that takes into account the changes from pregnancy to full-blown motherhood?
We created Fit Mama in 30 because we had enough of the health industry’s fake catering to our demographic.
Our lives are already tough, why make them more difficult?
There is intention behind how our workouts are designed and ordered to ensure the best results. Motherhood can be overwhelming, let us handle your fitness plan for you.
Instant Access to all our programs
Daily Guided workouts
Postnatal Progression Course
Core Recovery Protocol
FM30 Daily Workouts
FM30 Nutrition Program
Exclusive access to our mom community
per month paid yearly
Save $48/Year!
best value
The support you crave
relatable resources
on the go?
workouts that Come With you

Join Anywhere, Anytime :

Meet other moms who are on the same journey as you.
Thank you!!! I am so so thankful for Fit Mama in 30 for the prenatal exercises and the video reteaching me how to push.... and this was my third baby! I was excited for labor to try their method of pushing because it made so much sense. I tried Fit Mama in 30’s way of pushing and had Browen out in 3 contractions!! Sooo much easier than the other ways I was told to push! ...And he was 9 lbs 5 ounces, my biggest baby! So thankful for this community and excited to start the postpartum exercises in weeks to come.

I turned 50 this year. I have a senior, junior and nine year old. This is the most consistent I have ever been with my work outs as a mom. This program is versatile and doable. You ladies are amazing!

The FM30 prenatal program has helped me feel strong and more prepared for my second baby. I couldn’t be more grateful for this structured program, where I’m able to get a solid workout in, in just 30 minutes! (And my toddler can participate as well)

The Fit Mama in 30 Postpartum Program is an absolute must for every woman postpartum. I delivered my daughter in October, and I couldn’t believe the total lack of strength after she was born. I feel so much stronger and more confident knowing I’m safely returning to exercise and building a strong foundation that is healing my body and setting me up to be a healthy and fit mom.